Sunday, September 28, 2014

Houndogg Flag Sweater DIY, Part 2 of 2...

Finally crossing this project of my list. A little different look on the back!



Hope you like!

Knocked out another major project today. Will post pics tomorrow. Check back & we hope you have a great rest of your weekend!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Houndogg Flag Sweater DIY, Part 2...

Heat pressed and sewn last night:

Almost finished, just have to add one more piece to the puzzle! 

Stay tuned...

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pallet Cooler, Part 5...

Time to dress it up! 

Made some stencils:

Those stencils are based off of this logo i did for their company:

Also, just had to put my "stamp" on the project:

Push-pinned the stencils in place (backwards, by accident... naturally):

Fixed that mistake in time:

Used a flat black spray paint:

Wanted it to have an "industrial" feel to it. The black came out a little strong, but im going to try to sand some of it off:

Hope you all have a great week, thanks for reading!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Black Dawg BBQ DIY, Part 1...

Junping back into a DIY i started a while ago but just never had time to finish. It's for Bob and my good friends over at Black Dawg BBQ, and it's a pretty simple concept really:

They need a flag to hang at their events, so I designed a nice Pirate themed nunber for them. 

Hope you all have a great weekend... and as the gang over at Black Dawg BBQ always say: "Woof!"

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Houndogg Flag Sweater DIY, Part 1...

Scaled up the Houndogg Designs Flag really quick:

Printed it out, cut it, traced it onto cardstock/construction paper for a stencil:

Traced it onto twill, cut it, laid it out:

Now I just need to iron/glue it down and sew!

Going to throw the "h" logo on the back in a different place than usual, stay tuned...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Pallet Cooler, Part 4...

Busted the cooler out of the workshop on a beautiful Sunday morning...

Finished up the boards for the front, and started working on the lid...

Hinges work! Good clearance too... 

Sides screwed in...

Now time to "dress" it up...

Probably 80% finished at this point. I'm thinking of staining it, but most definitely painting a coat of outdoor poly over it.

Hope you all have a great week!


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

2 New Projects...

So many projects, so little time!

Picked up this sturdy little table at a yard sale this past weekend. Going to be my first ever refinishing project:

This is a Google Image search, but just so you all know... i scored a healthy stack of these at the flea market this past weekend as well:

It's about time for me to stop giving hints, and start knocking out some projects, eh?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Pallet Cooler 2, Part 3...

Made just a little bit of progress on the pallet cooler. What can i say except it was a lazy weekend...

Screwed down the "table top" boards:

Also screwed on the hinges for the lid:

Hope you all had a great weekend...

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

2 Upcoming Projects...

Pretty excited about these 1940s era designs, but you know I'm not tipping off my hand this early... You're gonna have to stick around and see the progress!

Oh, alright! here's two pretty vague hints:


Monday, September 1, 2014

Pallet Cooler 2, part 2...

Much smoother the second time around! 

Reenforced the cooler for heavy loads of beer & ice:

Using a wider board for the table top:

Hope you're all having a safe, fun, relaxing Labor Day