Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Entryway Table, part 2 of 2, Final...

We turned this:

Into this:

With white paint, choice stain, and some poly for the old barnwood top piece. Really, I can't believe the difference the poly made with that barnwood:

Here it is decorated:

The last thing I need to do is fix/screw the top piece together with the structure. Maybe you can tell from this last pic, but the top looks a tad bit off kilter for me. But I can assure you, it wont be staying that way for long. Anyway, fun piece!

Until the next project...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Entryway Table, Part 1...

We wanted a little table for our main entryway, and I really wanted to do a project with 4x4s.

I bought 1: 8' long 4x4, and 1: 2x8x8.

Cut them to size:

Used some wood screws and metal brackets, and threw this together:

Beat up the corners and edges a bit with a hammer:

Added a beefy foot with a bunch of metal and visible screw heads for a potentially industrial-ish look. We plan on painting them a contrasting color as the legs/feet:

For the last touch, added a slab of old barn wood leftover from our previous room reno project (barn wood beam coverup):

Now we have to paint, sand, stain & oil!

Stay tuned, this one is going to turn out great...

Monday, January 5, 2015


Happy New Year everyone! 

Quick post i wanted to share on a quick little project I did over the holidays.

Printed to scale:





Hope you all have a great year!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Vintage Sign, 12er. Part 3 of 3. Finished!

30 pounds later...

We used 50lb picture wire, 2 50lb drywall anchors, and screws:

Hope you all had a great holiday season! 

Thanks for following along.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Vintage Sign, 12er. Part 2...

First coat of gold:

Second coat of gold:


Near the spot where it will be displayed:

Now i have to figure out how to hang it... stay tuned...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Vintage Sign, 12er, Part 1...

Back in the summer i threw together some planks with the intention of DIYing a large piece for the living room. 51" x 48" to be exact:

Whatever I ended up painting on it, I knew that I was going to age the hell out of. First I painted the base coat white:

I mulled over this project for months. I just couldn't put my finger on exactly what i wanted to paint. Definitely wanted a Pittsburgh flavor, so I looked into old local busineses. Pittsburgh Brewing & Heinz, for example, but I wasn't really feeling anything. 

The next step was painting the sign black, as you can see here:

I really wanted this thing to look like we cut it right off of a barn. The more I thought about it, the more simple I wanted it to be. Big thick lines, bold paint, old timey, and ultimately I didn't want to paint someone elses design. After researching Ghost Signs (one of my favorite subjects), I came up with this:

Love the old school fancy type of a Ghost Sign! The number "12" is our address, and not only is Black, Gold and White totally Pittsburgh, but you see a lot of it in old signage.

Scaled it, printed it, and pieced together the paper for one big stencil:

Cut then traced with a pencil:

Traced back over the pencil marks with a White Deco paint pen:

Painted in the White, and traced the Gold parts, also with a Deco paint pen:

Thats where we stand right now... Check back soon for more!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dad's Flag, Part 2 of 2. Finished.

Last coat, as red as the day is long:

Took some sand paper to it to bring out the white a little:

Nice scuff:

In place:

Not the greatest pics, but you get the idea hopefully:

Hope you enjoyed!